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OIJ Workshop B: Justify Anything!

Why am I smiling happily into the middle distance if my scene partner just told me we're watching the Hindenburg go down? Do I tell them it's just a mirage? Can I smile harder and find a way to keep being happy about it? When you think you can't make sense of seemingly contradictory pieces of information in a scene it's hard to avoid the temptation to take things back, drop your choices, negate what your partner is creating or throw in another piece of information that cancels it all out. In this workshop we're going to work on justification and staying in the world we've created and trusting that we can come up with a reason for anything. There are no bad moves in improv, only bad support and if you can learn to trust that anything is figure outable you can Yes And anything! We'll be doing exercises that help us work our justification muscles and live in a reality long and hard enough that we can see it start to make sense.

Lead By: Lana Lodge

Lana has been doing improv for over 10 years in Ottawa, has learned from teachers and schools all over the world, and recently completed a 5 week summer intensive program at the iO Theater in Chicago. She loves watching players discover new tools and fun ways to play and has recently started her own improv teaching business in Ottawa called Alligator Improv. She performs regularly in Ottawa with her duo partner Claire Biddiscombe and will be performing in the Wayward Improv Maestro show September 6th at Arts Court.

September 13

OIJ Workshop A: Mime, Movement and Physicality with Mike!

September 13

Pulp and Boil